pottery experience
About Lynette
I am a "Pottering Psychotherapist"
Pottery started as a hobby while I was working as a therapist. I needed to work more than at the cerebral level. My internal creative energy was searching for an outlet. My artistic exploration took me to many places. This pottery studio is the epitome of my investment in a hobby!
The artist has found her “home”, and the people-helper can continue working.
Our Studio
Creative Exploration in TheraClay Studio
The studio caters to both novice as well as experienced potters. Novice potters will find this a safe place to take those baby steps to learn how to work with clay, building functional wares or stretch your imagination by creating various art forms. Learning a new skill is daunting and you will be patiently supported.
Experienced potters will enjoy the small studio space and the quiet environment to practice and hone your skills at throwing or hand-building.
We use stoneware and terracotta clay.
Clay, though the main medium, will not be the only one we use. I hope to open up opportunities to stretch your creative muscles!

Pottery is a time-directed hobby.
How long does it take?
Pottery is a hobby that is time consuming and admittedly, costly. If you are in a hurry, this may not be for you. If you seek fame and glory, you’d need to give yourself a long runway.
Artists are often asked “how long did you take to do this?” I can only say that a typical process for a ceramic piece requires minimally 3 visits to the studio and another 2-3 weeks for the firing schedule to be completed. Reaching some level of competency is subjective.